Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Mourning the Dead Men...

Here are a selected few illustrations i have made for my latest invention. Enjoy.
Photographs will be up shortly.

Monday, 15 November 2010

Men Must be corseted

Corseted men is a must in my eyes. why ever not? They used to be, and now you look around and all you have is men in easy comfortable clothes. Understand, i don't. Things must change. Men shall be beautiful one day. And interesting to look at...

The main motivation for this project was, as I look upon woman as hard workers of self image, comfort is wrong in our eyes, a little bit of pain and a little bit of gain thats what my grandmother always says. Most men on the other hand are complete opposites nowadays, my objective was to and still is, to make them think outside the box and be uncomfortable. Experience woman's every day grief.

Design and Stylist: Rasha Swais
Master Photographer: Inzageano Latif

My Work

This blog is for me to share my work and the things that trigger the arrivals to what i create.. Enjoy.
